• Составление налоговых деклараций


    Стоимость заполнения любой декларации фиксированная

    2000 руб. без доплат.

  • Выберите свою ситуацию:

  • Maximize Your Tax Deduction with Ease Maximum tax deduction without queues Get the maximum tax deduction online with the help of tax experts with 15 years of experience. Choose your situation. Bought an apartment or expensive housing (select separate section), Paid for expensive treatment (select separate section), Opened an investment account, Paid for an investment account, Bought housing with a mortgage ..Using our services is easy step 1 Upload documents The consultant will tell you what documents and how to upload them in your Personal Account step 2 Preparing the declaration Choose a tariff, and the tax expert will fill out the 3-NDFL declaration for you or do it yourself step 3 Submitting the declaration We will independently send the completed declaration to your inspection or provide you with a file in pdf and xml format Help choose a tariff
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